Return Policy
Returning Merchandise
You can return most new, unopened items of delivery for a full refund. Custom painted product and electronics with opened package are not returnable. Unless otherwise noted, the refund will be for the full value of the returned items. Shipping and handling fees will not be refunded. After 30 days we will consider returns on a case by case scenario with a minimum 15% restocking fee. No product can be returned after 90 days. You will be responsible for the return shipment costs.
To initiate a return, you must first obtain a return authorization number. To obtain this number please contact or call 321-638-1331 they will provide you with an return authorization number for the return. Please provide this number and a copy of your original proof of purchase along with the product to Roswell: Attention Returns 2900 Murrell Rd Rockledge FL 32955. Product must be in their original product packaging in new condition. Any damage of product due to mishandling, installation of product or anything else that would prevent it to be sold as new will prevent full credit back to you. It is at the sole discretion of Roswell to determine return credit of damaged product